We Need Help From Volunteers Just Like You

We Need Help From Volunteers Just Like You
Bismillah – Salam Alaykum,

Right now Yusuf Estes wants volunteers to show real Islam. This is what it is really all about.

We have something that needs more help from volunteers just like you. Here it is and all you have to do is cut & paste (and promote):

Bismillah – Salam alaykum,

Yusuf Estes asks us to join him and all of us to help give the correct image of our prophet, peace be upon him.

Will you join us? (I hope you said, YES)

OK Just copy and paste this in emails, Facebook, Twitter and make a campaign online to let people know:

Peace to all,

Please join us to show REAL MUHAMMAD movie (peace be upon him):


  • And stop the false movie!


    Just copy & paste these few words, put in emails, post on Facebook, Twitter & make a campaign:

    Google owns YouTube – Google Ad$ Make Money

    Tell everyone to Boycott Google Ads Until YouTube removes hate movie against Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    Simple? Yes! but it will work, God Willing.

    Jazakallah khair, May God increase you in all good, ameen.

    Yusuf Estes – director for Share Islam Project

    Show the Real Movie & Solve the Problem – And Boycott Google Ads (they own YouTube) until they do too!

    Finally – Islam TV in America on satellite TV (and Internet) for everyone!

    Tell everyone: Facebook, Twitter, Emails & Support now

    by mail from Share Islam contact@shareislam.com

  • Gentleness Beautifies

    Gentleness Beautifies

    The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Gentleness beautifies everything. Harshness disfigures.” [Muslim]

    There was once a very pious woman who didn’t like to have any pictures in the house because angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture. She had a young daughter who had toys but not a doll, since it would be an imitation of an animate object, like a picture. One day the girl’s maternal aunt gave her a doll and said, “Play with it in your room but don’t let your mother see it.”

    After a couple of days the mother found out, so she decided to give advice in an appropriate manner. When they sat at the dinner table the mother said, “Dear children, for a couple of days I feel that there have been no angels in the house. If anybody has any ideas why this could have happened please let me know. There is neither might nor power except with Allah!”

    The young girl listened quietly. After dinner she returned to her room to notice the doll amongst her many toys. She picked up the doll and brought it to her mother and said, “Mum! This is what caused the angels to leave. You may do with it as you please!”

    How wonderful is this approach in correcting people’s wrongs and giving advice, being gentle and not striking with thunderbolts!

    Allow the one being advised to retain his/her honour. It is possible to drink honey without destroying the honeycomb.

    This hadith has been sent to me by dailyhadith.adaptivesolutionsinc.com